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  • Grocery Bagging
    Our club has the opportunity to occasionally work grocery bagging events at the respective grocery stores. (Yellowknife Coop and Rochdi's Independent Grocer) We have an event coordinator that reaches out to all athletes and parents/guardians looking for volunteers. The fundraising opportunity is done so on an equitable basis. Volunteers are expected to offer to bag random customer's groceries for them. Donation bins are placed at each till for people to donate whatever amount they would like to. Funds are split up by the following: Total profits for that day are added up and divided by the total man-hours worked The event organizer gets 2% of the total of each event planned, applied to their child’s fundraising account or the specified child’s fundraising account. The club keeps 3% of the total, to be used to help offset operational costs. The balance is then divided by the total number of hours worked by each volunteer. That amount is then multiplied by the number of hours each person worked. The total for each person is applied to the credit of each player represented at that fundraiser.
  • Bingos
    Our club has the opportunity to occasionally work bingos at the Tree of Peace Friendship Centre and/or the Elks. We have an event coordinator that reaches out to all athletes and parents/guardians looking for volunteers. The fundraising opportunity is done so on an equitable basis. Funds are split up by the following: The event coordinator gets $20.00 for each event they secure for the club The number of workers will be determined by the vendor (Elk’s and/or Tree of Peace). The Club will retain $50.00 from each event The remaining funds will be divided evenly amongst those that worked IE: We are paid $250.00 for a bingo that 2 volunteers work. $20.00 goes to the event coordinator, $50.00 goes to the club, the remaining $180.00 will be split amongst the 2 workers, equally $90.00 each.
  • Other Fundraising Opportunities
    Any other fundraising opportunities are always welcomed for discussion. Any and all suggestions are to be sent to where the information will be discussed with the Board. In order to move forward with the fundraising opportunity, the following must happen: A description of the event, a financial explanation outlined on how the money will be divided up and presented to board members before they decide whether or not they want to participate. Receive written approval from the Board
  • Registration Fees for Players with Parent Coaches
    The board reviewed this with the exclusion of Darren and Ron as this directly affects them. ​ * The Potential Volleyball Club will waive 100% of the annual club membership fees for children of head coaches * The Potential Volleyball Club will waive 50% of the annual club membership fees for children of assistant coaches (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Benefits for Fundraising Coordinators
    The board reviewed this with the exclusion of Karen and Catherine as this directly affects them.​ ​ * The club will disburse the proceeds of each grocery bagging event as follows (numbers in brackets show approximately what this would have worked out to after all events, last season):​ -> 3% to the club​ ($260) -> 2% to the grocery bagging coordinator's fundraising credit ($175) -> The remaining amount will be divided up by total man-hours worked and then shared according to each person's contribution to that day's fundraising activity. ​​ * The club will disburse revenue from each Elk's TV Bingo as follows (numbers in brackets show current numbers): -> 35% to the club ($95) -> 20% to each worker ($50)​ This brings the value of hours worked more in-line with regular bingo: Elk's TV Bingo = $25/hour​ Tree of Peace Bingo = $20/hour -> 5% to the Elk's TV Bingo coordinator's fundraising credit ($5)​ ​​ * Ad hoc fundrainsing....Executive will decide on a case-by case basis (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Tree of Peace Bingo Coordinator Benefits
    * The club will keep the existing arrangement in place with Dianne Lafferty, in exchange for her coordinating Tree of Peace Bingos for the club. * Waive club fees for her daughter, Denae * Provide $200/bingo towards Denae's fundraising credits * Over the course of this season, Dianne has agreed to train anyone who wants to learn, on how to do this so they can assume this responsibility. * Dianne has also hinted that she may just keep doing this even after Denae is finished with Potential. It's a social thing for her and she enjoys doing it. Still, it would be good to have 1-2 other people trained to do this, just in case. * Tree of Peace Bingos pay workers a guaranteed $100/night for 5 hours...approx. $20/hour * Tree of Peace Bingos bring in revenue for the club. The exact amount varies drastically. (Could be a loss....Could be in the thousands) (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Due Date for Fees
    * The club will ask for club fees to be paid: -> November 15th (minimum 50%), balance due January 15th -> Those who haven't paid in full by December 15th will get a formal reminder of the balance due -> Those who haven't paid in full by January 15th will get a formal reminder of the balance due * Families that are having financial difficulties (see "Players with Money Trouble") will be given an opportunity to enter into an extended payment plan that works for them and the club. * Families with multiple children playing in the club will be given an opportunity to enter into an extended payment plan that works for them and the club. (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Fee Structure
    * There should be one set fee for everything. (Don't split club fees from clothing fees). * It's important that all kids have the same gear. * The club will continue to look for a corporate sponsor * Clothing is expensive, but necessary. -> It gives the club a presence. -> Wearing the stuff around town sparks interest in younger players who might consider joining when they’re old enough. -> Look/feel like a team when travelling. * Clothing is different every year (1) based on what's available with the supplier, but also (2) new designs/colors keeps the club member's looking "fresh" by getting something new each year. Not getting gear one year because you have something similar from last year is not an option. Everyone needs to look the same and feel included. * Some families/players don't understand what's needed when looking for volleyball footwear. As this is an expensive item and brands/style tastes vary, the club will not include shoes in our "gear" package. Instead, we will post useful information on our website and the coaches can be available to discuss further with people, if necessary. (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Players with Money Trouble
    * If families are having difficulty paying the club fees and/or travel costs, it is their responsibility to bring this to the attention of the club, either through their coach, a board member, email to the club etc. * The family applies to Kid Sport and Jumpstart first -> Club secretary will help them fill in the forms, if they wish * Once they provide proof that they've applied, the club will work out a payment plan that works for both the club and the family. Any payment plan would need to have balance paid in full before a similar plan is entered into for travel, (Exceptions can be granted, with board approval) * The club should not bail-out these players by using excess revenue or reducing the fees * These families should not be given priority on the fundraising. There are lots of opportunities for them to get involved and help themselves. * The player should be encouraged to find a local business to sponsor that individual player. Potential will promote that sponsor on Facebook, Instagram and on the club's website. (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Fundraising Credits
    * Any player that has fundraising credits remaining and they don’t return to Potential the following season, the funds automatically get transferred to a brother/sister in the club. * If there is a reason for the absence and advanced-notice is provided (medical condition, school exchange etc) funds stay in their name until they are medically cleared or can no longer play. * Otherwise, money goes to the club and the board decides how to allocate the funds. * Fundraising money is always interchangeable between siblings (i.e. Jane Doe has $400 to her credit and her sister is travelling to Calgary next month. The family can request that the $400 be used for the sister's travel). (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Collection of Overdue Fees
    * The club is going to write-off the $1,037.96 -> Paul has already made a significant effort to collect, with no luck -> It's not from last season. It's from 2-3 year ago. -> Player no longer lives in Yellowknife. -> We only know the balance that's due. We don't even know exactly what it's for (i.e. what fees vs what was paid against it. ​ -> The club will be open to collecting this again, at a future date, should this player ever want to play in the Potential Volleyball Club again?​ ​ * A payment plan is already in place for the $903.86 -> A payment plan has been organised with the player’s Mother to recover these fees ($150/month over 6 months) -> She is going to apply to KidSport and Jumpstart to help with this year’s club registration. Once proof is provided that applications have been submitted to those agencies, we'll work out a payment plan for the balance, to be paid out as quickly as possible, but no later than April 2019. ​​ * The club is going to write-off the $0.70 -> Amount is insignificant​​ (Approved by PVC Board: October 2019)
  • Policies & Procedures We're Working On
    Our club secretary, Catherine Janz, has offered to write some policies for us: * Finance Policy * Administration/Board Policy (AGM, Board Member elections etc.) * Player/Volunteer/Coach Code of conduct Policy * Travel Policy * Harassment Policy * (Safe sport Policy (can be found on sport north and encompasses a few of the above in one policy)

Potential Volleyball Club

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